Emergency Care

We provide high quality dental care to the local community, understanding the needs of our patients in order to ensure their treatment is carried out in a way that will give them complete confidence

Wires digging in advice:

  • If it’s a thin wire, it may be possible to use tweezers to replace wire in the tube/band or tweezers and a nail clipper/scissors to shorten the long end
  • It may be that a thin wire is the correct size but may have rotated round the teeth so that it is short on one side and long on the other. Using tweezers, a pencil with a rubber on the end or a teaspoon, it may be possible to push the wire back round to prevent the long end digging in
  • If the wire is very thick and stiff it may not be possible to cut the wire with home instruments. If this is the case it may be necessary to cover the wire to prevent it being sharp. Relief wax/silicone may be sent to you or you can buy it online (Orthodontic Wax). Failing that, using a wax covering from hard cheese (baby-bell, cheddar) may help

Exposed end of wire tie advice:

  • Home advice o Re-tuck sharp end under wire/bracket using a tea spoon or tweezers
  • Remove wire if broken with tweezers if possible
  • Cut fayed end as short as possible to improve comfort with nail cutters or scissors
  • Cover for comfort using Orthodontic wax or cheese wax as advised above

Broken plastic retainers advice:

  • If your current retainers are in wearable condition keep wearing them as much as possible
  • If you have any spare sets, check the fit and wear these if they are more comfortable
  • If there are any sharp edges, use a nail file to smooth the area until it is comfortable again

Broken bonded retainers advice:

  • Push wire back down towards the tooth as much as possible (fingers or tweezers)
  • Cover with best medium available (Ortho wax, Cheese wax, Blu tack, chewing gum)
  • Cut the exposed unbonded wire using tweezers and nail clippers/scissors
  • Gently pull the wire to remove the whole retainer
  • Advise greater use of removable retainers if present

More information can be found at: https://bos.org.uk/patients/patient-information-videos/ 


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